Where networking, learning and giving connect.
INAEP Square Store
INAEP now accepts your credit card, instead of an old school check, when paying for things like membership dues, lunch order for quarterly meeting, golf outing entry / sponsorship fees. Nothing is going to stop us now. To pay online for anything for which we charge a few, please follow the instructions below.
Click on the Pay Online button (above).
Select the applicable category, such as Membership Fee or Golf Outing.
Select the specific item for which you are paying (i.e., individual membership or platinum sponsorship at golf outing).
On pop-up screen, click Add to Basket.
On the next pop-up screen, click on Go To Basket.
In the box where you can "write a note to seller", provide your name.
Select "Check Out"
Select "Check Out As Guest"
Follow instructions to provide payment information.
It won't accept my card, and it works elsewhere. What should I do?
Some corporate credit cards have security or other corporate policy settings that will prohibit a purchase through the online Square store.
You can use a different credit card to pay online. Some of the cards that won't allow transcations through the online Square store do allow transactions on the point-of-sale (POS) Squares. E-mail INAEP (inaepinaep@gmail.com) and let us know you will be paying by credit card at the next social or meeting, and a Board member will bring his/her Square. You may also send a check for the membrship dues to our Treasurer at his place of employment. Check the Board of Directors page to get name and contact information.